Message from the Race Director 22 September 2015

Dear Registered AIMers,

I’m glad to report that there are more of you now than when I wrote you about 10 days ago, and there are 35 nationalities represented. Of these, there are 97 Ghanaians; 34 Americans; 18 Japanese; and 16 each of Germans and Indians and varying numbers of 25 additional countries.

The first person to pick up his race packet last week asked about the number of entrants he could expect to be running with him in the full marathon. For all those who are similarly curious, here’s the breakdown of registrations so far:
Full marathon: 32  Half marathon: 65  10K: 124  5K: 106  Relay: 32 (8 teams)

Experience tells us that a few people will register late for the full, but their number may be off-set by a few who switch to the half or even 10K. Last minute registrations will consist mostly of 5K and 10K.  

CC4CR Race BibInterest in the Corporate Challenge 4 Charity Relay™ (CC4CR) is increasing, and to give all Champions a fair chance to win for their Charity, we are extending the reporting period for funds raised to 31 October. The Fastest Champions will be duly recognized and awarded on AIMday, but we will award and announce the Fundraising Champions soon after the 31 October deadline.


Our 2015 Charity Partners are:

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Guinea: Undisputedly at the forefront in the struggle against last year’s Ebola outbreak, MSF provides essential health care support in over 70 countries. Most of their professionals, in West Africa and around the world, are locally hired. These doctors and nurses work to provide access to basic medicine and improved medical training. 

Street Child, Sierra Leone: Street Child would like to give every Ebola orphan a chance to return to primary or secondary school—off the street and into a classroom and a brighter future. They have accomplished this for over 7,000 children in West Africa since the EVD devastation.

iLab, Liberia: This Charity Partner works to increase Liberian citizens' access to information. During the height of the EVD catastrophe, it was iLab Liberia that worked with the Liberian government to provide crucial computers, internet access, and professional staff to track the infected persons and to trace those most likely to have come into contact with the disease. This information was used by health organizations from around the world to coordinate their actions.

The Ghana Planetarium: The planetarium is AIMing to increase access to science for Ghanaians of all ages. Among other activities, it showcases educational documentaries about the environment, human biology, and more, in a visually immersive setting. More science, less regressive superstition.

We hope you will find all these organizations worthy of your support through the various channels detailed here.

ciao for now,
AIM Race Director


AIM2025 Registration is now open!

Race Director's

Race Director's

Thanks to Our AIM 2024 Sponsor & Supporters!

Venue Sponsor: Labadi Beach Hotel

Supporters: East Airport International School     Ghana Police Service     Association of Ghana's Elders     Claron Health International     Lister Hospital And Fertility Centre     Ghana Mountaineers    

We are seeking Title, Presenting, and other sponsors for AIM 2025

pdf icon Download Charity Partners and Associates Application form